What is doomscrolling and how can it affect your life?

Learn about the latest social media phenomenon

Stars Insider

08/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Social media

It is a sad but very true reality that the news nowadays is rarely positive. It is not uncommon to open your news app or social media feed and be faced with a barrage of saddening and worrying posts.

For the majority of people, this is reason enough not to overexpose themselves to the news. For other people, however, the ubiquity of negative news is sort of addictive; the more they read, the more they seek it out.

Enter 'doomscrolling,' the new term that describes a tendency to keep scrolling through negative news updates, despite the fact you find them upsetting or even depressing.

Unsurprisingly, the people who have a tendency towards doomscrolling are increasingly finding that it negatively impacts their mental health in a number of ways.

Check out this gallery to learn all about doomscrolling and how it can affect your life.

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