The surprisingly dark history (and doomed future) of bananas

This common fruit has a bloody past and may soon go extinct

Stars Insider

14/10/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD History

The banana is the perfect fruit in so many ways, from its nutritional and filling substance to its convenient natural packaging. Most of the world enjoys bananas as part of a regular diet, and yet most people don't know that within the history of banana plantations lies political corruption, bloody massacre, and a disease epidemic.

What's more, the banana as we know it today may very well cease to exist within the next 10 years. From a spoil of war, to a weapon of conquest and an abuse of land and labor, the banana's history is surprisingly dark, and the future looks like it may repeat the same mistakes.

Curious to discover more? Click through for everything you need to know about those seemingly innocent supermarket bananas.

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