What police uniforms look like around the world

These uniforms appear both sharp and intimidating

Stars Insider

14/03/25 | StarsInsider

FASHION Law enforcement

Most police officers around the world wear uniforms. In fact, many have more than just one type of uniform. But how do these differ from country to country? Well, there are a few things many police uniforms around the world have in common. One of them is the colors used. The vast majority stick to different shades of blue (mostly navy and light blue), or black. Another point in common is the use of high-visibility jackets.

There are, however, a few exceptions to the rule, and this means the use of completely different colors and styles. And then, of course, there is the headgear, which varies depending on the country and police force in question.

Curious? Click on and check out what police uniforms look like around the world.

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