Carcinogenic? What you need to know about diet soda

Aspartame declared possible carcinogen by World Health Organization

Stars Insider

01/07/24 | StarsInsider


These days, most soda brands will have a diet option or a zero-calories option. Many people opt to get the sweet and delicious taste of their favorite soda without consuming too many calories, which we all know leads to weight gain. But does drinking an unlimited amount of these kinds of drinks really come with no health risks, and is it truly healthier than consuming the standard version that is high in sugar and calories? According to one of the world's leading health organizations, the answer is no. 

Aspartame is one of the most common artificial sweeteners found in countless products throughout the US and the rest of the world. From Diet Coke to Wrigley's Extra chewing gum, it's fairly ubiquitous in processed foods and drinks. The health risks of consuming aspartame have long been a concern, but commercial interests have hampered research on the topic for many years. Now, however, the cancer research branch of the World Health Organization has reportedly come to a worrying conclusion. Aspartame is a possible carcinogen, meaning it may cause cancer.

When the WHO has raised concerns about the safety of certain substances in the past, it has led to immense pressure from consumers for producers to change their recipes and find safer alternatives—a process which is extremely costly. 

Click through the gallery to find out more about the pros and cons of diet soda. 

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