30 good reasons to visit Provence

Exploring France's Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region

Stars Insider

20 hours ago | StarsInsider


Provence lies across the southeastern region of France and stretches from the left bank of the lower Rhône to the west, to the Italian border to the east. Caressing its southern border is the sparkling Mediterranean Sea. Provence is a sun-kissed land of verdant rolling hills embroidered with bright flowers and purple lavender fields. Combing the valleys are olive groves and vineyards, while up in the mountains ancient rivers have carved out deep gorges of colossal dimensions. Characterizing the scenery are collections of medieval hilltop villages, historic towns, and, along the coast, some of the most vibrant beach resorts in Europe. So, does that sound like your kind of destination?

Click through the following gallery and discover one of France's most colorful and diverse regions.

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