The 30 best space movies of all time
Films that bring inter-galactic adventures to our world
© NL Beeld
Venturing into space has always sparked our curiosity, hasn't it? Imagine floating among stars, encountering otherworldly beings, or battling cosmic threats! That's exactly what these 30 top space movies offer—a thrilling escape to the great unknown. From the gripping drama of Matt Damon stranded in 'The Martian' to the classic space opera of 'Star Wars,' these films take us on wild rides across the universe.
Whether it's the mind-bending journey of '2001: A Space Odyssey' or the charming adventure of 'Wall-E,' these movies show just how fun and fascinating space can be.
So, grab your popcorn and get comfy. We're about to launch into a world of epic space tales that are sure to entertain, surprise, and maybe even inspire a bit of stargazing. Let's go!
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