The space war is closer than you imagine

Are new battlelines being drawn up beyond Earth's atmosphere?

Stars Insider

27/06/24 | StarsInsider


The news that Russia has likely launched an anti-satellite weapon has alarmed Western military analysts. According to the BBC, Russia's Roscosmos state space agency says its Soyuz-2.1b vehicle was used in the May 17, 2024, launch, adding that it was "in the interests of the defense ministry." The US believes the satellite may be capable of attacking other such probes. The announcement comes in the wake of warnings expressed by several military experts that space is likely to be the next frontier of warfare in an increasingly technology-dependent world. But are we really entering a new age of "Star Wars" where conflict in space is no longer science fiction?

Click on to launch this gallery that explains more about America's celestial struggle with Russia and other countries, namely China.

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