What is computer vision syndrome, and how do you combat it?

Staring at the screen all day is harming your eyes, body, and brain

Stars Insider

26/09/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Eye health

Modern living is such that few of us these days are without a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. These digital devices are ubiquitous in the workplace and at home, but using a computer or digital screen makes the eyes work harder. So much so, in fact, that prolonged screentime is now responsible for a group of eye- and vision-related problems known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). Worryingly, the condition can also induce a range of other health issues.

If your job keeps you seated in front of a screen all day, you need to know exactly what the causes of CVS are, its symptoms, and how to counteract this increasingly common disorder. Click through and read more about the risks of using a computer or digital screen device on a daily basis.

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