Fueling your focus: top foods and drinks to boost brain power

Improved mental health is but a bite (or sip) away!

Stars Insider

23/05/24 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Concentration

Does it ever feel like your mind is running on fumes? Are you sometimes unable to focus? Well, you’re not alone! The good news, however, is that there’s a solution: each of these symptoms (plus a wide variety of others) may be due to your brain. Indeed, our brain is the control system for our entire body and, when it isn’t properly nourished and tended to, it can be very challenging to function properly. Whether you’re struggling to keep up or just want to boost your brain power and help fight aging, incorporating certain foods and beverages into your diet can help!

From an improved mood and sharpened memory, to a more effective mind overall, this gallery will help guide you on what to eat and drink, and, more importantly, why. Click through to discover what you should be consuming more of starting today.

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