Which stars were on Hollywood's communist blacklist?

The Second Red Scare and its effects on American creativity

Stars Insider

27/12/24 | StarsInsider


When governments are looking to snuff out an ideology from their populace, art is almost always the first arm of culture to come under attack. Prominent figures in film and music whose opinions are trusted by the public can become dangerous enemies of the state if their views aren't in line with those of the government they operate under. Hunts for cultural upsetters have been commonplace throughout history, but only once in American history was it as widespread or as hysterical as under McCarthyism. Commonly compared to a witch hunt, the first decades of the Cold War were rife with government committees and tribunals dedicated to rooting out every last hint of communist, socialist, or anarchist sentiment from the American entertainment industry. And many prominent figures, several of whom are celebrated today, paid for their alleged insurgency with their careers.

Read on to find out which stars were put on Hollywood's communist blacklist.

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