Why do festivals keep ending in disaster?

Is there a larger trend developing around the world?

Stars Insider

9 hours ago | StarsInsider


Music festivals are some of the most thriving areas of entertainment around the world. Whether you’re in Europe, the Americas, or elsewhere, each event promises an ecstatic combination of dazzling lights, pulsating music, and a sense of freedom that draws thousands into massive crowds. But behind the excitement, an unsettling pattern has emerged—too many of these vibrant gatherings are spiraling into chaos and disaster. From overcrowded venues to neglected safety protocols, the allure of these large-scale events often conceals a darker side.

Why do festivals, which should be celebrations of art and culture, keep ending in tragedy? Is there some ominous reason why constant catastrophe plagues these events? Click through this gallery to see why dreams of unity and joy turn into nightmares of disaster.

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