The lie of 'expired' food

Should you stop throwing away your food?

Stars Insider

17/01/25 | StarsInsider

FOOD Sustainability

For many people around the world, throwing out expired food has become almost an ingrained routine. Every week, unopened yogurt cups, bags of vegetables, and loaves of bread are discarded thanks to the date written on their labels. Indeed, this routine is done almost automatically, driven by the idea that 'expired' food is unfit to eat. But what if that’s just a myth? What if the very idea of expiration is misleading us into wasting vast quantities of perfectly good food?

The world’s obsession with food labels has snowballed into a crisis, whereby our planet’s resources are squandered due to the numbers printed on labels. So, what is the truth behind these expiration dates? Click through this gallery to find out.

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