Brigitte Bardot: the complicated story of a beauty icon

The beloved B.B. is 89 years old

Stars Insider

22/07/24 | StarsInsider


French former actress and singer Brigitte Bardot, often referred to by her initials B.B., was one of the world’s biggest stars in the ‘50s and ‘60s, pushing the envelope in more ways than one. With a career starting at just 15 years old, Bardot became so much more than the 40+ films and numerous songs she recorded; she was mythologized as a sex symbol, a symbol of France’s liberty, and a new post-war woman.

Yet, despite admiration for her beauty, Bardot was mistreated throughout her career and struggled with a deep unhappiness and alcoholism. She came to dislike her iconography and sought to destroy it, which came with good things like her activism for animals, but also spiraled into a string of controversies regarding her far-right political beliefs.

Click through to learn more about Brigitte Bardot, the living legend carrying the burden of recent history’s contradictions regarding women, Hollywood, and freedom.

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