The secret life of Édith Piaf

The legendary chanteuse was born on December 19, 1915

Stars Insider

06/06/24 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Retrospective

More than half a century after her death, Édith Piaf remains a towering figure in French music and French culture as a whole. With her songs played, covered, and performed by the greatest singers from France and beyond, the tragic life of "The Little Sparrow," as she was affectionately known, has also been the subject of many books and several films. She was most recently embodied in 2007's 'La Vie en Rose,' starring Marion Cotillard as Piaf, who became the first ever Frenchwoman to win a Best Actress Oscar for her portrayal.

Click on and find out more on the secret and tragic life of Édith Piaf.

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