How to identify your skin's undertone, and what it means for you

Here's how to figure out if you're warm, cool, or neutral

Stars Insider

15/09/24 | StarsInsider


When we're trying to choose the perfect makeup shade or even a new outfit, we're usually drawn to color first. It's common to love a color at the shop or online, only to discover that it doesn't look the way you'd hoped when you try it on at home. This is when knowing your skin's undertone comes in handy.

While many of us know our skin tones, undertones are completely different. Your skin's undertone refers to the natural colors underneath the surface of your skin, which can help you choose shades that best suit your hue. Do note that your personal preference is more important than what a color chart suggests. If you feel happy in a color that's considered to be outside your palette, ditch the rules and go for it!

But if you want to know your skin's undertone, make sure to check out this gallery.

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