Its windows and mirrors make light diffuse and reflect, creating a unique atmosphere. The large Tiffany stained-glass dome illuminates the Hall beautifully.
Sources: (The Temples of Humankind) (Damanhur) (ABC News) (Grunge) (Atlas Obscura)
See also: Incredible Hindu temples: architecture of exquisite beauty
Damanhur: inside the secret underground Temples of Humankind
This amazing complex was built by hand
FOOD Italy
Did you know that there is an underground complex of temples that were built in secret in Italy? Excavations started in 1978, and it took approximately 15 years to complete. Inside you will find a number of rooms that are astonishing works of art. But who built these, and why? And can you actually visit the temples?
Click through the following gallery and find out the answers to these and more questions.